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Space Wolves Name Generator

Name: AllSaved: 0
Kjartan Bodvarsson
Flosi Svartgeirrsson
Hallgrim Vestarsson
Kari Torstensson
Thorbrand Skjaldulfsson
Bjorgulf Thorarinsson
Visäte Farthegnsson
Johan Onundsson
Kollsvein Warysson
Thorred Hamsson

There are thousands of baby names out there, and it can be hard to find the one you like. This little tool will help you come up with a name that's both imaginative and descriptive. The generated names are random, but the algorithm uses some clever selection methods to ensure there's a mix of genders, ages, and other aspects involved in generating a name that'll match someone’s face. Just choose one from a list of options, and check off which ones you like the sound of. Nova also includes a feature that allows you to save your favorite names for later use.